Moving Day
Published: 22nd December 2019
So today was the day that I moved into my dream Bellway home with my best friend. It only took 7 life changing years preparing for this day. There’s been a lot of hard work and many, many sacrifices along the way in order to make this HUGE step up in our lives, but we finally made it. Being self employed is amazing, but it also means that getting the mortgage we needed wasn’t easy. We’ve spent the past three years biding our time, carefully planning and playing what seemed like an endless waiting game to get ourselves in a position to proceed. Over seven years ago we bought our first house together. It wasn’t the house we immediately fell in love with, but we turned it into an amazing little home filled with good times and fun memories. I’m not going to lie, leaving our home to move into this new house had its share of sadness today, but this new house is absolutely worth everything we’ve been through to get here. We love it!! Our new house isn’t a home just yet, but in time it will be and we can’t wait to build our future here together. Shazia I love you for everything that you do, especially for supporting me and standing by my side on this crazy adventure. A huge thank you goes to Mortgage Pathways for being the mortgage maestro that they are. We are forever grateful !